Challenges of Instructional Technology Implementation in Haramaya University Community School Grade 11-12 in Focus : Challenges and Opportunities
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Published: 19 November 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This study was intentional to engross in the Implementation of Instructional Technology in Haramaya University Community Model School Grade 11-12th. It was employed mixed research design, and approach. The data was collected from 30 teachers and 29 students selected by using availability sampling and random sampling techniques particular lottery method and data collected through questionnaires, interview, and observation. To analysis data SPSS Version 20 was used and frequency and percentage were used. The study revealed that practices of instructional technology is low, in line with opportunity on the implementation of instructional technology in the school there is same availability of instructional technology like computer, laboratory equipment ,map, chart, model ,poster, glob, nevertheless, in line with this the implementation of instructional technology is very low .The challenges of instructional technology implementation is facing lack of awareness about the importance of instructional technology; lack of motivation from both teacher and students; lack of technician or human resources; lack of attention from administrative of the school; lack of team spirit from teacher-to-teachers ,school-to-student parents, unproper uses of resources; lack of time from teachers; lacks of enough resources; lack of commitment to implement from the top to down leader ,and lack flow up. In line with techniques to minimize those challenges the results showed as it is batter if giving training and awareness creation on instructional about the use and impotence instructional technology for both teachers and students in quality education; motivating and rewarding teachers based on their performance in line with instructional technology activates and process of its implementation; attention to be given to the instructional technology planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback, and improvement of each teacher in the school by school leader, unit leader, department head, and teachers them self to develop their capacity with this subject matter; creating team work or coordination among school teachers, department, streams to share their experiences ; flow up the scientific producers of instructional technology practices evaluation stages in which it involves planning, implementation, evaluation, feedback, and taking improvement on the weakness side; allocating enough resources for teaching and learning as well as giving orientation how to use those materials in the school are forwarded based the results of the study. Thus it is recommended that the implementation and practices of instructional technology in the school is need leader attention in addressing determinants factors that motivate and encourage the commitment of school teachers and students.
Keywords: Implementation, practices, challenges, instructional technology.

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How to Cite
Debela Tezera. (2019-11-19). "Challenges of Instructional Technology Implementation in Haramaya University Community School Grade 11-12 in Focus : Challenges and Opportunities." *Volume 3*, 4, 17-28